Tap sequence for Emotional Trauma
- Check SUDS
- Balanced Breathing
- Polarity Reversals
- Tap Sequence:
Eyebrow → Outside Eye → Under Eye → Under Arm → Collarbone → Thumbnail → Under Arm → Collarbone → Little Fingernail → Collarbone → Index Fingernail
- Bridge
- Repeat Tap Sequence
- Recheck SUDS
- Eye Roll
Choose a statement that fits the situation most closely or use a variation that feels appropriate to your situation.
“I forgive them/him/her, because they could not have done differently.”
“I forgive him/her but I do hold him/her accountable.”
I let go of this anger for my own well-being.”
“There is forgiveness in my heart.”
“I forgive myself, I know that I could not have done differently.”
“I forgive myself, I did the best I could under the circumstances.”
“I couldn’t help it at the time.”
“There is forgiveness in my heart for my own well-being.”