Here are all the tap treatment points that you will use. Most of these sites are bilateral, meaning that there is a tap site on either side of the body.
Chest: This is the only site that employs rubbing instead of tapping. The Chest spot is located above the heart, about three inches off the center line of the body. It is sometimes referred to as the “sore spot,” because in many people the spot is tender compared to the surrounding area. To locate the spot, probe in that area until you feel a tender spot. Using two or three fingers, run in a tight circular motion, about one revolution per second, outward toward your shoulder and down toward your heart. It is important to maintain a firm steady pressure as you rub, as if you were massaging oil deeply into that spot.

Eyebrow: The Eyebrow location is at the inside of the eyebrow, in a vertical line with the inner edge of the eye, close to the nose. It is best activated by tapping directly at the site with two fingers or by tapping with the flat of one finger across the bridge of the nose, covering the inner edges of both eyebrows.

Outside Eye: The Outside Eye location is on the bone of the eye socket at the outer edge of the eye, on a horizontal line with there pupil of the eye. Tap with one or two fingers.

Under Eye: The Under Eye spot is located at the bottom of the eye socket, in a direct line below the pupil. Because it is very close to the surface of the skin, it can be activated by taping gently on the long ridge beneath the eye with one or two fingers.

Under Nose: Tap with one or two fingers directly in the center between the nose and upper lip.

Under Lip: Tap with one or two fingers directly in the center on the chin just below the lower lip.

Collarbone: The Collarbone location is at the indentation where the collarbone joins the sternum, or breastbone. You can locate this spot by tracing along your collarbone from your shoulder inward toward the center of your body with your fingers until you hit the hard downward angle at the juncture with the breastbone. If you tap with all four fingers in that general vicinity, one of them will always be activating the site.

Under Arm: The Under Arm location is on the side of the body about four inches below the armpit. It is best activated by tapping with all four fingers, using the opposite hand. Tapping also can be done with the hand on the same side by curving the fingers back and tapping the the backs of the fingers.

Side of Hand: Locate the Side-of-Hand spot may making a fist and noting where the palm creases on the side of your had just below the knuckle of the little finger. It’s the “karate chop” spot. The surest way to activate this spot is to do the tapping with the flat of all four fingers of the opposite hand.

Thumbnail: The Thumbnail site is located at the outside edge of your thumbnail (not the side that faces your index finger). Tapping with two fingers on the edge of the thumbnail seems to work best.

Index Fingernail: The Index Fingernail site is at the base of the fingernail of the index finger on the side nearest the thumb. Tap with the index finger or first two fingers of the opposite hand.

Middle Fingernail: The Middle Fingernail site is at the base of the fingernail of the middle finger on the side nearest the index finger. The site can be tapped wight the index finger or the first two fingers of the opposite hand.

Little Fingernail: The Little Fingernail location is at the base of the fingernail of the little finger on the edge closest to the ring finger. The site can be tapped wight the index finger or the first two fingers of the opposite hand.

Back of Hand: To locate the Back-of-Hand spot, make a fist with one hand. On the back of your hand, locate the depression, or valley, between the knuckle of your pinky finger and the knuckle of your ring finger. Now trace back about an inch in the direction of your wrist in the valley formed between the tendons of your pinky and ring fingers on the back of your hand. This is the Back-of-Hand spot. Now that you’ve found it, you can release your fist.
To perform the Back-of-Hand Tap, use the flat of three or four fingers of your opposite hand and tap or lightly slap the Back-of-Hand spot.

Rib: The are two possible rib treatment sites. The first is directly below the nipple between the sixth and seventh ribs. On a woman, this would be about the place where the base of a bra touches the ribs. If the first site is uncomfortable to tap or difficult to access, tapping may be done on the side of the body, where the rib cage begins, about the halfway point between the armpit and the level of the navel. This tap point is seldom used.